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Mental health check-in hub

In Britain, almost 36% of us won’t speak up about our mental health. Source - Mind

We’re here to change that. By getting the nation checking in on their mental health. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed, experiencing anxiety, low mood, or simply not feeling quite yourself, sharing what’s going on in your mind can make a big difference.

A lady greeting a friend at the door

Whether it’s getting out for a walk, or following the ‘ask twice rule’ we can all make a little more time for a check in.

You may decide that you want to chat about your about your mental health at any time of the day or night, so our Mental Health helpline is there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for immediate emotional support.

Sometimes we all need a little more support. So we offer help during stressful periods, and for common mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.

Two men hugging

We know it can be an uncomfortable topic, but it’s important that everyone better understands their mental health. 

A man deep in thought

We’ve pulled together some common myths about mental health – and the truth behind them to help you separate fact from fiction.

A smiling lady campaign cut out

Our private healthcare can provide access to 24/7 Mental Health Helplines from day one and Mental Health Support after six months. 

A preview of health and wellbeing email

Sign up to our newsletter

To ensure you're regularly checking in on your health and well being sign up to our bi-weekly newsletter packed with handy hints and tips.

We cover a range of topics including nutrition, body and lifestyle.

Woman practising yoga while young child plays

If you're feeling anxious or stressed, there are things you can do. Take a look at our 10 ways to help your mental health.

Woman looking into the distance

Everyone feels anxious at times. However, if these feelings start to become overwhelming, it could be a problem which you may need to address.

Colleagues standing and chatting

In the last five years, over half of employees interviewed said that their jobs have become more stressful.

A server with a tray of macarons

Affordable private healthcare

Here for our members, not profit. It's why 870,000+ members are already with us. 

  • One price for everyone, just £15.50 per person, per month.
  • No exclusions for age or existing medical conditions.
  • No excess to pay or hidden charges.